
What is Insight Graph ?

Visualization tools for IT professionals (software developer, software architect, project manager, ...)


  • generating a 3D graph of the dependencies of Visual Studio projects
  • generating 3D graph based on RDMS schema. (Tables, Relations, ...)

Why Insight Graph ?

Big fan of UML modeling software for their approach allowing to flesh out a model that can be viewed in different representations (which avoids having to update several diagrams manually during the modification), I regularly use tools such as Sparx Enterprise Architect.

However, faced with the growing complexity of systems, the multitude of components, dependencies and information to be taken into account are increasing, traditional modeling software, such as Enterprise Architect or ArgoUML, show their limits in their capacity for overall restitution and visualization. and I often get frustrated in navigating between several diagrams, getting the big picture and quickly changing the level of detail.

By observing the world of video games, technological trends (AR / VR), it is a shame to limit ourselves to 2D tools when we could take full advantage of this third dimension today so easily affordable.

The objective of this project is to use new representations, inspired by other fields (Video games, Data Analytics, ...), to facilitate exploration, analysis and decision-making mainly within the framework of software development activities (project / component dependencies, database schema, etc.) and why not, ultimately, other IT disciplines.

Initially, the solutions / modules that allow to generate graphs by the simple upload of files of third-party applications (Visual Studio, Enterprise Architect, Draw.io, ...) will be privileged, but other more advanced possibilities are available/to study.

The advantages are multiple: You can quickly display a graph from personal cases, there is no tedious configuration or multiple entry of information and therefore no need to maintain an n-th documentation / representation.

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About me

My name is Amaël BERTEAU. I am a Software Craftsman and Creative Technologist.

You can learn more about me at the following address : https://amaelberteau.com/

My LinkedIn profile : https://www.linkedin.com/in/amael-berteau/